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Global Direct Selling business results for 2013 have set yet another record!
The global sales force of independent direct sellers reached an all-time high in 2013. Sales force figures were up 7% vs. 2012 to 96.2 million direct sellers.
These are a vibrant and diverse group of independent contractors:
Some are entrepreneurs building their own businesses
Some work at direct selling part-time to earn extra income for themselves and their families.
Through Direct Selling, they learn new skills, make new friends and contacts, and gain greater self-esteem.
And they have the opportunity to give back to the community through the many social responsibility initiatives their Direct Selling companies are involved in.
Of this diverse group, many were customers of the products or services before they became company representatives. As Direct Sellers, all enjoy significant discounts and, in fact, some choose only to enjoy and use the discounted products … and decide not to sell, at all.
To put this into perspective: If the Direct Selling population of independent direct sellers were a country, it would be #13 in the world, between the Philippines and Vietnam.
And if industry sales were the sales of a company, that company would be among the largest in the world … #16 to be exact.
Retail sales hit record highs, too.
Retail sales rose 8.1% to US$178.5 billion in 2013. So the tremendous growth curve in Direct Selling continues, now with a 3-year compound annual growth rate of 6.8%. The Top 5 Direct Selling markets in the world are:
#1 United States 18% of global sales
#2 China 15%
#3 Japan 10%
#4 Korea 8%
#5 Brazil 8%
In 2013 China moved up one ranking slot to become the second-largest direct selling market.
About Direct Selling Industry Research
Direct Selling industry business results are compiled from an annual survey of companies in all member countries of the WFDSA, and from research-based estimates for all other countries. The Global Research Sub-committee would like to thank all those who participated and helped with this effort.

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