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WFDSA supported the French DSA’s (FVD) Second Academic Seminar on “Innovation and Commerce” which took place at the University Paris-East Créteil on April 2-3, 2014. The event was attended by over 100 participants from the direct selling industry, academics and university students. The event focused on various topics such as cross-channel distribution, value co-creation, digital marketing and performance of the salesforce. Academics presented research studies about issues which the direct selling industry may face in the future. WFDSA Executive Director, Tamuna Gabilaia presented on the global direct selling industry.
WFDSA supported the French DSA’s (FVD) Second Academic Seminar on “Innovation and Commerce” which took place at the University Paris-East Créteil on April 2-3, 2014. The event was attended by over 100 participants from the direct selling industry, academics and university students. The event focused on various topics such as cross-channel distribution, value co-creation, digital marketing and performance of the salesforce. Academics presented research studies about issues which the direct selling industry may face in the future. WFDSA Executive Director, Tamuna Gabilaia presented on the global direct selling industry.

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