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World Congress XVI

The World Congress (WC) titled “Tomorrow is Now” will be held on September 30th – October 2, 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand. It will be a premier event focusing on various topics of interest to the direct selling industry. The event…

DSA of Russia Update 

In December 2019, the XV International Conference “Entrepreneur and Consumer – Steps Towards Each Other” was held in Moscow, Russia. The conference organizers were the Direct Selling Association of Russia (RDSA) and the International Confederation of Consumer Societies (CONFOP). The…

DSA of France (FVD) Update

For several years, the French DSA has been working closely with academics to introduce direct selling in the academic community which resulted in the creation of the direct selling diploma in the leading French Universities. In December 2019, the French…

APP for the Latin American DSAs

On November 7-8, 2019, the DSA of Ecuador hosted WFDSA’s Association Performance Program for the Latin America DSAs in Quito, Ecuador. Secretaries and company executives from all over the Latin and Central America region participated in the event. Please click on…

World Congress XVI

Registration for World Congress XVI is now open online at: Make sure to register now to benefit from early bird rates offered until January 31, 2020.

Global Direct Selling 2018

Did you know that the number of both women and men joining direct sales has increased year-over-year. The industry empowers countless female entrepreneurs around the world. Now men are recognizing the opportunity and joining the ranks.  More information can be…

WFDSA Annual Report 2018 / 2019

WFDSA is pleased to inform you that you can view the WFDSA 2018/2019 Annual Report  online at:

WFDSA Announces Record-setting 2018 Direct Selling Business Results

The World Federation of Direct Selling Associations (WFDSA) today announced global direct sales of USD192.9 billion for the year-ended December 31, 2018. Worldwide retail sales showed a year-over-year increase of 1.2%, up from USD190.6 billion in 2017. The global sales…

World Congress XVI "Tomorrow is Now" September – October 2020

WFDSA's World Congress (WC) XVI "Tomorrow is Now" will take place in Bangkok, Thailand on September 30 - October 2, 2020 and it will be the major event for our industry next year! Organized by the WFDSA, in partnership with…

World Congress XVI "Tomorrow is Now" September – October 2020

The World Congress (WC) titled "Tomorrow is Now" will be held on September 30th - October 2, 2020 in Bangkok, Thailand.  It will be a primer event focusing on various topics of interest to the direct selling industry. The event…

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