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DSA of Colombia (ACOVEDI) Update

On July 29, 2018, the first academic course “Direct Selling Management in Colombia” was launchedColmbia 1 with participation of 35 direct selling member company representatives and the academic support of EAN University. ACOVEDI’s Board members and Ean University gathered more than a year ago to develop this direct selling course. ACOVEDI would like to thank the following members: Gustavo Cruz ( Avon), Diana Bernal (Belcorp), Andrés Peñuela (Herbalife), Pedro Gonzales (Natura), Carolina Zuluaga (LineaDirecta), Fernery García (Novaventa), Arley Castaño (Dolce), Federico Toro(Lebon) and Carlos Mario Ramíre (Leonisa). ACOVEDI also appreciates the constant support of WFDSA Executive Director Tamuna Gabilaia and DSA of France Executive Director Jacques Conesfroy who were instrumental in helping the DSA reach this goal. Lastly, ACOVEDI thanks Cecilia Carranza (DSA of Mexico), María Fernanda León (DSA of Ecuador) and Suchada Theeravachirakul (DSA of Thailand) who shared their valuable experiences.

Colmbia 2

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