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DSA of Russia Update
On December 7-8, 2018, the XIV International Conference “Entrepreneur and Consumer – Steps Towards Each Other” was held in Moscow, Russia. The conference organizers were the Direct Selling Association of Russia (RDSA) and the International Confederation of Consumer Societies (CONFOP). The conference was conducted within the framework of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) the Consumer Education and Protection Initiative (CEPI) program with the support of the WFDSA.
Over 110 people from the Eurasian Economic Union -member countries (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan) participated in the event including direct selling representatives, business associations, academia, the State Duma, national government bodies, the Eurasian Economic Commission among many others.
In the framework of the conference, the participants raised the topics about priorities in the area of consumer rights protection, risks and negative consequences of the implementation of obligatory system of labeling products with control (identification) signs in Russia, new small business taxation regime and prospects for direct selling industry development in the world.
WFDSA Executive Director Tamuna Gabilaia made a presentation on prospects for direct selling industry. Her comments on generation Z and the internet age raised a great interest among the participants.