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Ethics Committee– Joao Paulo Ferreira

Dear colleagues and associates,

I hope you and your families are well. As we move closer to the end of the year, I would like to wish all of you and your dear ones a great holiday season.

It is that 2020 was challenging for everybody. Dealing with coronavirus has been tough: besides the great human loss we had to face, the pandemic changed the way in which we relate to each other, work, do business and live our everyday lives.

But I would like to take a moment to share with you a message of optimism. Even during these hard times, our industry proved to be more resilient than ever, showing that direct selling can make a great contribution to our society.

Our business model proved once again to be a steady source of income for millions of families, besides being an open door for others who faced unemployment. Throughout the world, we also saw many of our businesses and associates doing their best to help those in need, especially the most vulnerable ones affected by the pandemic. With the common good and ethical behavior as our beacon, we achieved much more than seemed possible at the beginning of this crisis.

I am confident that 2021 will bring us many opportunities to make our impact on society even greater. Hope to keep working with all of you!

Have a great holiday season.


Best regards,

João Paulo Ferreira

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