We enjoyed this article by Art Markman, Ph.D. and below is an excerpt.
I live in Austin, Texas, which prides itself as a center for entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs are people who start their own businesses. In Austin, we have many different kinds of new businesses ranging from high-tech companies that want to be the next Dell or Facebook to food-truck restaurants where someone just wants to follow their dream of cooking for others.
Starting your own business is difficult. You have to put in long hours. You have to be prepared to fail. A high percentage of new ventures do not succeed. You have to be willing to change course if things are not working out as expected.
Not everyone is cut out to be an entrepreneur. For decades, psychologists and business researchers have explored whether there is a collection of personality traits that is associated with starting a business.
For the full text click here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/art-markman-phd/what-kinds-of-people-start_b_3534706.html then come back to us to tell us what you think.