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The CEO Council consists of the CEOs of the leading multinational direct selling companies. It is the forum where global leaders of direct selling companies can come together, at the highest levels, to meet and discuss key initiatives.

Roger Barnett (Chairman)
Chairman and CEOCompany Info:Shaklee Corporation Hacienda Campus
Country:United States

Lam Yu (Vice Chairman)
Chief Executive OfficerInfo:Infinitus Global

Dr. Dora Hoan (Secretary)
Founder, Co-Chairman and Group CEOInfo:Best World Lifestyle Pte. Ltd

Josephine Mills (Assistant Treasurer)
Industry RelationsCompany Info:Shaklee Corporation
Country:United States

Ryan Napierski (Advocacy Chairman)
President and Chief Executive OfficerInfo:Nu Skin Enterprises
Country:United States

Joao Paulo Ferreira (Ethics Chairman)
Chief Executive OfficerCompany Info:Natura Cosmetics

Dr. Andreas Laabs
Chief Executive OfficerInfo:LR Health & Beauty Systems GmbH

Mr. Dan Orchard
Chief Executive OfficerCompany Info:Scentsy, Inc.
Country:United States

Mr. Danny Lee
President & CEOInfo:4Life Research, LLC
Country:United States

Dr. Doreen Tan
Founder, Co-Chairman and PresidentInfo:Best World Lifestyle Pte. Ltd.

Mr. Douglas L. DeVos (Past Chairman)
Country:United States

Mr. Graeme Clegg
Founder & ChairmanInfo:New Image Group Limited
Country:New Zealand

Mr. Han-Gill Park
Founder & ChairmanInfo:Atomy Co., Ltd
Country:South Korea

Mr. Jinyuan Li
ChairmanInfo:Tianshi Health Products

Mr. Marcel Justrich
FounderInfo:JUST International Ltd.

Mr. Rolf Sorg
Cheif Exectuive OfficerInfo:PM-International AG

Mr. Sammy W. S Lee
ChairmanInfo:LKK Health Products Group
Country:Hong Kong

Mr. Steve Fife
President & Chief Executive OfficerInfo:LifeVantage
Country:United States

Ms. Anna Malmhake
Chief Executive OfficerCompany Information:Oriflame Cosmetics
Country:Malmo, Sweden

Mr. Ryan Rogers
Chief Executive OfficerCompany Info.:Mary Kay Inc.
Country:United States

Ms. Joni Rogers-Kante
Founder & CEOCompany Info.: SeneGence International
Country:United States

Mr. Jim H Brown
Chief Executive OfficerCompany:USANA Health Sciences, Inc.
Country:United States

Mr. Michael Nelson
Chief Executive Officer:Amway
:7575 Fulton St. East, Ada, MI 49355-0001
:(616) 787-6000