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End of Year Message From WFDSA Executive Director – Tamuna Gabilaia 

Every year WFDSA and our member DSAs produce more results and help to advance the cause of the industry worldwide. 2019 was another record year for the industry. The global retail sales increased by 1.2% amounting to 193 billion USD and the industry experienced 4.2% CAGR. This shows that in the age of collaborative economy where nine to five job is becoming the thing of the past, people all over the world are increasingly interested in getting into business for themselves and we anticipate we will continue our growth pattern and will remain a vibrant industry bringing economic empowerment to people all around the globe.
So the future of direct selling is very optimistic and promising but it is critical that direct selling companies utilize all of the technological tools in order to thrive in the long run while retaining the fundamentals of Direct Selling – that person to person interaction that differentiates us from anyone else in the world.
I want to thank the CEO Council, the Operating Group, SELDIA, the Association Advisory Council members and all our DSAs staff and company volunteers for all their contributions which make our progress possible. Wishing you all the most wonderful New Year!
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