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The Operating Group is responsible for general oversight, administration and overall execution of the program of work.

Roger Barnett (Chairman)
Chairman and CEOCompany Info:Shaklee Corporation Hacienda Campus
Country:United States

Lam Yu (Vice Chairman)
Chief Executive OfficerInfo:Infinitus Global

Dr. Dora Hoan (Secretary)
Founder, Co-Chairman and Group CEOInfo:Best World Lifestyle Pte. Ltd

Josephine Mills (Assistant Treasurer)
Industry RelationsCompany Info:Shaklee Corporation
Country:United States

Ryan Napierski (Advocacy Chairman)
President and Chief Executive OfficerInfo:Nu Skin Enterprises
Country:United States

Joao Paulo Ferreira (Ethics Chairman)
Chief Executive OfficerCompany Info:Natura Cosmetics

Mr. Cary Justice (Global Regulatory Affairs Chairman)
Director, Global Government Affairs & Public PolicyCompany Info:Amway
WFDSA Liaison:

Ms. Maureen Paniagua
Director International AffairsCompany Info:World Federation of Direct Selling Associations
Country:United States