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WFDSA Global Ethics Toolkit

In order to ensure our industry remains in the forefront of highest ethical business practices, we have designed the WFDSA Global Ethics Toolkit to make it easier for DSAs and their member  companies to Follow, Communicate and Promote the Code. We have prepared concise, compelling materials to help you communicate the Code to internal as well as external audiences.  In the tool kit, you will find the Code At a Glance Brochure, the one-page handouts for Our Promise to Consumers and Our Promise to Direct Sellers and a wallet-sized What Direct Seller Needs to Know card. Included is also a PowerPoint presentation to introduce the Code that would make an excellent orientation tool for new members.
The Code of Ethics Q&A for Salesforce poses ethical questions based on real-life situations for training and discussion that will demonstrate practical applications of the Code. There is an answer key with full explanations of the correct response to assist the training leader.

All of the materials in the tool kit are print ready and easily customizable with company name and logo so you can personalize the message and identify it as your corporate commitment.

For information on the Recognition portion of the program please refer to .
We encourage comments on the tool kit materials and will incorporate your ideas and suggestions to continue to make our materials more relevant. Please send us your success stories and examples of how you have used the tool kit in your daily practices.

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